Open Water Instructor
Increase your retail and industry knowledge and add professional presentation/sales experience through modern workshops and practical applications.
For SSI, the most important step in a Dive Professional´s career is becoming a person who can train new divers – the SSI Open Water Instructor. The Open Water Instructor´s mission is to inspire and influence beginners to grow in their diving experiences with the goal of making them committed divers. The goal of the Instructor Training Course (ITC) is to increase your retail business and industry knowledge, expand your teaching skills and add professional presentation/sales experience through workshops and practical applications. It is an opportunity to learn how to deliver “The Ultimate Dive Experience.”
The SSI Instructor Training Course is a unique program that has stood the test of time. In order to stay competitive in today’s diving industry, the program has been updated to ensure that all Dive Professionals are equipped with the latest retail business training and industry knowledge. A newly certified SSI Open Water Instructor can be absolutely sure to have all the necessary skills and knowledge to work successfully in the diving industry.
Availability: Contact us for booking information
- Class
- E-Books
- Instructor Evaluation
- Download available for up to 3 devices
- Open Water Instructor certification card
- Diver Stress & Rescue Instructor certification card
- Perfect Buoyancy Instructor certification card
- Processing fees
- Completed Medical Statement signed by a physician
- SSI Dive Control Specialist rating or equivalent
- SSI Diver Stress & Rescue rating or equivalent
- First Aid, CPR W/AED & Oxygen Provider certifications
- 100 or more logged dives
- Your own scuba gear of leadership quality
- Proof of at least 2 Open Water class assists within 6 months
- 18 years of age or older
- Be able to balance your time between family, work and your Instructor Training Course
- Interact with other SSI Instructors and Dive Control Specialists with Open Water Scuba Classes
- Be prepared for all class assignments and evaluations
The Instructor Training Course schedule will be determined prior to the start of class. Class duration is an average of 2-6 weeks. This will include pool sessions, classroom presentations & an evaluation with an SSI Certifier.
Weeknights: 6:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Weekends: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.